Thursday, 5 December 2019


It's not able to load my information or lists except user ID. More suggestions I've been thinking of which may be awesome if implanted into the app. I just left it for a while since I wasn't sure what to do instead. It caches thumbnails in the folder on the SD card, so if they already exist it checks for them and doesn't download them again if it doesn't need to. Much, much better user experience in this regard now. manga watcher 0.6.10

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They also right align all of the information which doesn't make much sense to me. So just keep checking this thread from time to time. Linux operating system full version isometric exercises They work for updating the values on the site, but you won't see the mang values for these in the app, since the API doesn't support getting these values, just sending them.

Same applies for manga.

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Opening my Manga List crashes the app. I like the idea of sliding to switch panes as well, I do want to do away with that button menu.

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I'll need to know first though if it's just the button not actually showing, or if it's just off the screen.

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Will be added back once implemented properly. Awesome, just downloaded the new version, thanks. I plan at some point to do a full rewrite 0.6.10 the proper Android UI guidelines, but I don't know when that will be.

The Ne Arrondissement watcber downloads are up, ready for testing. Depends on if it's rooted or not. This was a huge annoyance for me as well, glad to have told this problem to take a hike! I was able to see everything and navigate through it all I've got it lower down on my todo list of workarounds to make up for the lack of support in the official API. Right now I'm resetting the ListAdapter for the ListView, which is bad mana, but worked for my testing purposes.

I just left it for a while since I wasn't sure what to do instead. The MAL API is really badly implemented, and there's nothing I watcehr really do about it well, I could make some hacky workarounds, but I don't really want to have to do that It's possible it's a bug in your rom, but I'm not positive.

Also about the list defaulting to Watching and when you view an anime or go to edit and come back it resets, yeah, I know that's annoying.

MALicious (Native Android app for MAL) (Unofficial) - Forums -

Thanks for pointing it out! And the voyage-term amie pas give you.

manga watcher 0.6.10

Sorry for not updating in a very long time. I'm not sure why the text on your anime pages has active spell checking though. Was such a stupid mistake lol. That's partially why I wanted to start putting stuff out manva. If needed I could add a ScrollView to the login page, but there's probably a nicer way to handle it.

manga watcher 0.6.10

I personally am using a rooted Kindle Fire, and it works fine. Or maybe I can look at a different library for validating URLs.

For now, I'm a little torn between the two. I'm still working on it just got back from vacationso expect an update pretty soon. Awesome, thanks for your hard work! Not sure what's wrong, but apparently this isn't a valid URL, even though obviously it is.

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