Monday, 16 December 2019


I suppose that this blog is probably a bit late to the game being that it is now, but still thought this may be useful to share with the community. Hi, an update for you. In the end your messaging solutions can be depicted as below. Indeed, I actually remembered that bit after I finally realized what was going on. I am using Typed Polling, but both my data available and data polling execute Stored Procedures. wcf sql adapter biztalk 2010

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Deployed the project, created a File send port, filtered it to the receive port imported from the generated bindings file. It holds donations given to a company, and I want those donations sent to downstream systems.

And via Profiler, this gives us the following: On the one branch orchestration is able to consume all the debatched messages since I have intilized the co-relation and loop through every message but due to the other recieve shape my orchestartion is geting suspended.

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This produced a schema with multiple-root nodes. If that is the case, the PollingStatement is triggered immediately.

You then need to add the generated schema from earlier as an XSD Import to this new composite schema. Detailed below is a simplified example of how to call multiple stored procedures in a biztslk transaction.

wcf sql adapter biztalk 2010

Every 10 seconds the PollingDataAvailableStatement was executed. My Envelope and XPath Body settings were a little different than yours because of axapter, but once I got them figured out, it is working like a charm. I have not been able to get my debatched output becuase no matter what I try in either or both schemas, BizTalk does not seem to like it.

Try posting at the BizTalk forums http: Everything here works fine. The set up is one receive port in BizTalk with 3 separate receive locations. The above scenario gives us the following 20010 overview: Instead of endlessly tuning throttling settings, my simpler solution was to have my SQL statement asapter the top n records, with the actual number returned by a scalar function since I had a dozen different polling statements, the function made it easy to tune the number of records retrieved at a time in one place.

wcf sql adapter biztalk 2010

Both the select and update use the same where clause and the whole thing is wrapped in a transaction. Oddly enough just changing the exec statement to use the parameter name fixed it. Is the setting of X-Path is correct?

How do we handle problem users? Biztalo happens if I need to debatch several message and then disassemble each one using a custom pipeline. Left by Liz on Jan 29, Through your guidance I can put together a typed polling application that consumes SQL result sets pretty quickly.

A stored procedure returns the emp1 records in one result set, and the sales records in a second result set.

sql server - BizTalk WCF-SQL adapter XML Polling issue - Stack Overflow

Email required Address never made public. Left by Stuart Charles on Aug 07, 9: NET at your disposal.

In short, Ambient Transactions was causing errors so I turned it off. Because I may get more than one donation during a WCF-SQL adapter polling interval, I need to split the collection of retrieved records into individual records. It comes in two varieties: There bkztalk already plenty of blog posts out there, yet I often find myself double-checking certain behaviors and I wanted to write something so I could refer to it at a later stage and help some people out less experienced.

This invalid type may be from a property schema.

BizTalk Server - Using the WCF-SQL adapter to make multiple stored procedure calls

You are commenting using your Twitter account. As you can see, the PollingStatement is executed straight after each other, until no more data is found. Next, I set my PollingDataAvailableStatement to a statement that counts how many records match my polling query.

wcf sql adapter biztalk 2010

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